Well thats nice but basicl un important
Basicly a breakdown of the rules if i mention them thats because they might be a little to harsh or not making sense
Patrick: Um stupid?
Policy 4 - If your staff, please don't go out of your way to exploit users with your staff role. This will only result in a demotion along with a possible warn, block and Infinite block.
Policy 5 - Evading bans will result in your block extending to the end of time. Please refrain from doing so.
Policy 6 - No Racism. Using racial slurs is being generally VERY offensive will result in a year long ban. Please refrain from doing so.
If i mention it like something happend #black community does it still count?
Policy 7 - No NSFW or 18+ content. Adult content will be the end of your journey in this wiki.
I wonder what would fall in that category
But oh boi if i post something im gonna have a bit of fun explaining that is if the admins listen to testimonies
Policy 8 - Don't ask for moderator position. It will only get you warned.
Okay thats just plain cruel at least add a test so people who want to be admins can be
Policy 9 - Act maturely. Don't disturb or bother people by constantly doing childish acts. It will give you a warn.
Pretty sure thats just a free warn since you won't know until after the warn
Policy 11 - Don't minimod other people. This is the job of staff and is none of your business.
Well then that goes against wanting to be a mod since the admins wont know until then
Policy 13 - Don't leak personal or private info about people. This will end your time in the wiki.
That's called doxxing but that should be a year at most at least 4 months banned
Policy 14 - Don't advertise roblox groups, discord servers and etc. Doing so is a warn.
Geee idk isn't that what this is wiki is doing
Policy 15 - Scamming is strictly prohibited. Doing so will result in a warn or a block.
Does a rick and roll count as a scam like?
Policy 16 - To be an admin or moderator, you need to be trusted and have a good amount of edits. Asking admins and bureaucrats for roles is not allowed.
That's not good enough to be a mod
I went to a discord that had something very close to this and all the admins there currently are corrupt and do what they feel like doing
So therefore in order to become a mod you need to post 100+ thoughts
Having 0 experience